Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to make love

In this instructable, new ways to make love are explored. You can make love for valentine's day. Several examples with explicit pictures are given. Enjoy!

Step 1: To make lots of love we need a pattern

The pattern for love is cut from cardstock with scissors. Just go into the word processor and pick a font, select size, outline, print and cut.
Step 2: First way to make love is with plain cardboard.

I cut these out on the bandsaw. Use the letter pattern of love to outline letters, then cut.

Step 3: Make plain love

Letters made out of styrofoam, cut on hotwire machine.

Step 4: Make your love stand out

If Love is painted in the color of your choice, it will be more enduring, and look better, too. I chose red here.

Step 5: Make Love standing up

In this shot, love is made in the upright position. This is not really practical, but is an option.

Step 6: There can be contrast in making love

Here, cardboard is shown against a white background. Quite a contrast in love.

Step 7: Bugs and bees in love!

Self explanatory....

That's how you make love :). Enjoy!

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