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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wedding candle decoration

These easy to make candles are perfect for using as decoration throughout the wedding and reception area. They can be made to match exactly with the rest of the wedding décor, and can double as favors for your guests.

Materials Needed:

1. Pillar candles of the same color or in colors that match the rest of your wedding decorations
2. Vellum stickers or stickers without a background color that match your wedding theme or colors
3. Plastic cup or paper cup
4. Popsicle stick
5. White glue
6. Decoupage paste (directions to make this are steps 3-5)
7. Paintbrush


1. Begin by placing the vellum stickers on the candle in a random arrangement. If you are using border stickers, they look best along the top or bottom of the candle.

2. When you have finished placing the stickers where you would like them you can make your decoupage paste.

3. Put about a tablespoon of white glue in the plastic or paper cup.

4. Add a tablespoon of water.

5. Mix with the Popsicle stick.

6. Paint over the candle and stickers with the decoupage paste.

This same thing can be done using flower petals (fake or real), or even fabric adhered with glue dots.


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